Sunday, January 16, 2011


WOW! Santa really spoiled Gage this year;)

it took him a little bit to fully wake up, but his fish is what he saw first.

then he went to Nana Pat
then it was on......he new what to do!!

all he had been asking for was all of the Toy Story characters. He was so excited to see that he finally had them!!

and of course he had to have a Toy Story bike.

and Nana Lolly got him the famous Buzz Lightyear

playing with some of the stuff Nana got him

moving on to uncle Andy's house! they got Gage a really cool "Cars" auto shop! He loves it! and Gage got Brooklynn a Strawberry Shortcake doll!

then off to see Papa Erwin, where he got spoiled again. Papa got him a really cute air compressor. Papa and Aleta also made these really cute bags, slippers, and monkeys. They even spoiled Dusty and myself. One of the things Dusty got was a saw, and they know me very well and gave me a bear lamp. I really need to take a picture of it and add it in later.

then it was off to Gma Price's house. Gage and Dax both got a Spongebob blanket kit that we can make together. And they had fun playing with the toys that Gage got from Uncle David and Aunt Toni!!

talking with his Great Grandma!

we headed back to our house for a little break and Gage had to try out his new Toy Story shaving kit. He loves to shave with his Dadda at night and Nana Lolly found him a kit of his very own.

then it was off to see Gma Harris. This isn't a very good picture but Gage would not hold still long enough to get one.

Christmas 2010 was great. Nana Pat and Papa Gary was able to be here from Arizona. They planned a dinner in SLC at their friends house that we went to after visiting Uncle Andy. I don't know why I didn't get any pictures of that. They also spoiled Gage! He got clothes which is always needed and the cutest leather jacket that his Papa found for him. It says captain on the front right and navy on the the left. Papa taught Gage to salute and say "I'm Captain Smith". Dusty and I also got a little spoiled this year. He got a gun that he has wanted for awhile, and I got a gift certificate to get some clothes. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful Husband and an amazing little boy!!!!

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