I can't believe that my little Boogie Man is a year old. It went by so fast. We celebrated his birthday at the city park in Grantsville.
We couldn't wait, when he woke up that morning we had to give him his present from Momma & Dadda.

Gage, G-ma Pat and Brooklynn playing with Gage's airplane. He's such a good boy, he loves to share!!

After we ate Subway sandwiches it was time to open presents.

He was so tired from all the excitement, he grabbed a stuffed animal and fell asleep. It was so funny everyone was laughing!!!!

After he woke up we finished opening presents then ate cake.

We finished his own little cake later that night. He loved it and so did the dogs, it was all over the place.

All of his presents!! he got so spoiled!!

Yeah I am glad you updated your blog. I can't believe how fast they grow. He is too cute!