This was Papa Erwin & Papa Gary's deer hunt. Dusty & Andy did the bow hunt this year.

State Fair '09
Gage loved it. He was so content looking at all the animals.

Gage & Dust had so much fun!
I'm glad I was the picture taker this year. That slide always throws me up in the air :)!!
Gage's first time eating corn on the cob. I was a little scared but he did just fine and he loved it!!

Gage LOVES mashed potatoes & gravy, and he loves sharing his left overs with the dogs too.
My boy's taking a nap!!

July 24, 09 

This as the only bad part of the weekend. Gage was checking everything out when we first got there and he fell on a log. It was pretty nasty but it healed up really good.
Rainbow Reservoir July '09

Gage LOVES mashed potatoes & gravy, and he loves sharing his left overs with the dogs too.

Johny & Machelle's cabin. It was so pretty up there!

My boy learnin' how to fish with his dadda and papa!!

Gage "petting" the fish!!

Gage & G-ma Pat
Gage & uncle Andy sharing potatoe salad!
Gage giving G-pa Gary rocks. He loves to play with rocks, in fact we got quite a collection that weekend!
He loves his dadda's sun glasses!

My big boy feeding himself!!
We had a bbq at my dad's and they had a slip'n'slide and a little pool for all the kids, Gage loved it!!

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