Andy drew a Sand Hill Crane tag aka Red Peckered Salt Chicken, as him and Dust call them. Gage could not wait for them to get home.
Monday, November 7, 2011
ROAD TRIP 9/9/2011
We had to make a trip to Idaho for a funeral for our friends little boy. We met Roberto (Chicken Little) and his wife Suzanna and there children a few years back out by our property. Dust and Andy make it a point whenever they are out that way to stop and see everybody. Weeks before going to the funeral, we went to Primary Children's Hospital to see Felix. He had a rough life and he was only three. He battled with cancer in different parts of his body and it finally settled in his brain. I have never felt the way I felt seeing that little boy, who was the same age as my little boy, laying in a hospital bed fighting for his life. When we left the hospital room I was sobbing, grabbed Gage and hugged him tight. Sadly Felix passed a few weeks later. After the funeral we headed for our favorite place to be....Grousse Creek!! We rented our friends "cabin" for the night.
Well this year at the State Fair I actually went on a ride with Gage and Dusty. It was like a ferris wheel but took ya backwards. Well on the last time around something landed on my pants and arm, and Gage's hand. I smelled it and I thought it was just bird poop but as we were getting off I noticed throw up all over the ground. A little girl had thrown up as she was getting off the ride and instead of the guy cleaning it up he let the ride keep going around to let everybody off. Well in the mean time it was falling on everybody. Yep it was pretty gross and if ya know me you know I am a germ FREAK!!!! Surprisingly I did ok and we found a bathroom and got all washed up and continued on with our day.
I cannot believe my little boy started Preschool. We were so excited for his first day, and my heart melted when I picked him up and he said "Mom I want to do it again"!!
For our eight year Anniversary we were invited to JC Smedleys. A guy who works for Dust by the name of Josh Healy invited us to his family's restaurant in Bountiful. It was delicious and we even got our meal for free!!
Happy Anniversary Poopsie, I love you with all my heart.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
THE SMURFS August 20, 2011
This years Family Reunion was held at the park in Tooele, it was fun but not the same without Av, Gary, and Pat.
It was so cute, I walked in Gage's room and there he was trying to put his toy bench together, instructions and all!!
PaRtY, PaRtY, PaRtY
Jordan's birthday party at Daycare
Gage was giving everybody a hard time that day. He kept wanting a kiss from Troy's girlfriend and would not leave her alone until he got one. He always loves to torture B-bop, and with out fail everytime B-bop ends up licking his whole face before he can get away. I absolutely hate watching it but Gage finds it very funny!!
I was busy cleaning the house while Gage was in his room, content watching Mickey Mouse, or so I thought!!
I still have no idea what part of Mickey Mouse gave him the idea to this, but I had to laugh!!
FrOgGiN' July 30, 2011
We decided we would try our luck at froggin' again. We did it a couple years back to catch some for our ponds and it was so fun. We ended up taking ours back because we had some pretty big ones and we were afraid they were going to eat our fish. That and the fact that when we got home a big frog had eaten a little one, and its legs were sticking half way out of its mouth. That really grossed me out and I have a very different view of frogs now. Anyhoo, Lola wanted to get some more for her pond so off we went, back to Stansbury!
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