Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Well yesterday I realized just how big my little boy is getting. It was a fairly nice day out, so I decided to clean the front porch. Gage was standing at the door watching me and said "I need my shoes on too Mom", I said "No honey, I don't want you out here". Well the next thing I know he was all excited and came running toward me....WITH HIS SHOES ON!!!! He had them on the right feet, and the velcroe was perfect. The tongues were tucked in a little, but hey, he did pretty darn good!! This is actually the second time he has done it but the first time I think Dadda helped a little!!
He has really changed over the last few weeks, and he is talking A LOT more too. His absolute favorite thing to eat is peanut butter and strawberry jelly sandwiches. I bought the frozen kind that you have to let thaw and he LOVES them. He is to impatient to wait for them to thaw so I had to figure out how to microwave them in ten second intervals so they are not ruined.
He loves to pack around his backpack with his Toy Story toys tucked inside, and it goes EVERYWHERE with us.
He knows his colors, letters and animals. We were at Cal Ranch a few weeks ago and he pointed at an elk and said "look at that elk Mom"!
Daycare gave me a picture that he colored of Santa and his reindeer, and Gage colored their noses red. We were all shocked that he new how to do that.
and he LOVES to go shopping (probably because he gets a toy everytime we go)! Yesterday I said "we have to get dressed so we can go shopping". He got so excited and yelled "going shopping...YAAAAY!
He has his moody days but for the most part he is so polite. He says "please" and "thank you very much", and it melts my heart when he says "I love you too Mommy" followed by a big kiss!!
We love you so much Boog, you have brought so much joy to our lives, and you make us laugh everyday!

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