We had so much fun on Easter this year at our usual spot in Terra. We went with Andy and Lola and Lola's family. Gage had a blast playing with all the kids and they are all so good with him. He loved going down the big hills in the "hippo", he would say "go down the big hills Mom"!!

Gage was making "pizza'" & "waffles", silly boy!

he made a new friend in Jayden

we also went to Knolls for a few hours to see Papa and color eggs

*best friends*

coloring eggs at our camp

b.e.a.utiful egg Boogie

Easter morning, checking out his stuff

somebody left another easter basket outside
(thanks Uncle Andy & Aunt Lou)

that Easter Bunny left his eggs every where

still searching for eggs, he had a whole bucket full and I think he made about $3

cruising in Skylers truck

it was so funny watching the kids chase each other

we love to feed the fish

Gage & Logan

I had to get one more pic of what the Easter Bunny brought
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