Our little boy turned two years old on Sunday, May 9th. I cannot believe how fast the time has gone by. He has brought so much happiness to our lives. He makes us laugh everyday and we love him so much!!!!
We decided to celebrate Gage's birthday on Saturday and take him to the Tracy Aviary on Sunday. We had a little party in the back yard with friends and family. He got really spoiled and had a fun day!

This playset is what we got him, and this was his first time seeing it. We tried to keep him in the house all day and finally just before the party I HAD to let him out.

Gage was a little onery as the party got started because he did not have a nap. He was really stingy with his toys and would not share. He cuddled with Nana and Momma and finally started to loosen up!!


PRESENT TIME!! He really did get spoiled, he got a swing set, basket ball hoop, clothes, coloring books, puzzles, bubbles, money, sun glasses, cars, etc., etc., etc......

We decided on Curious George for his party theme. Gage loves so many things it was hard to choose. But the deciding factor was when we were in the party supply store he saw "Dorge" and had to have him!!!!


He decided to help Nana with her cake!!

He loved having Emily help him go down the slide on his knees!

After the party Gage finally fell asleep in my arms. So we sat on the swing and watched Dusty and Andy play keep away from Chester with the badmitten game.....it was HILARIUOS!!

Gage woke up after awhile and we were still visiting with Andy and Lola and Kenny and Brenda. Amber and Ashley brought up another present for him to open!! He got bubbles, a chair, sunglasses, and ten dollars!!

We saved one of Gage's presents from us so he would have something to open on his birthday.

He loves his trike and always wants to ride it up the road to see the sheep!!

On our way to the Aviary we stopped at McDonalds for breakfast. I have a fettish with feeding the Seagulls wherever we eat. This one really got our attention!!!!

Gage thought ALL the birds were ducks!

He usually loves the Owls in his story books but he really did not like this one! (it is up in the corner, I just wanted to get a picture of him saying NO!)

We had a really hard time getting him to leave these stumps...he was having so much fun TRYING to jump to each one!

All in all it was a great weekend, Gage had a blast at the Aviary and loved Liberty Park. He did not want to leave...literally....he was screaming all the way to the car :) !!
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