Playing kick ball at the park....


CrAzY BoYs!!

Learning how to ride his bike.....

TRYING to play badmitten.......


He loves his puppy!

"Here turkey"!! Our first turkey hunt with Dada!

On our way to see the sheep.......

Gage had to have some work done on his teeth:( We had to go to the Family Surgical Suite in SLC.
We had just arrived and was watching Toy Story....

Checking Gage's weight and temp.....I loved that this room was decorated in Finding Nemo..

From this room we was able to take him back to the surgical room. He had to breath through a mask and after about ten times they said he would fall asleep, but that didn't happen. He kept pushing the mask away and saying "stinky". Finally they just had to hold it on his face and he went to sleep after a few seconds. They then put a breathing tube down his throat and two IV's, one in his hand and one in his foot. Then they went to work filling in four cavaties....(long story)!!
Finally after about 45 min. of waiting, they let us see our baby!! He did really good and only cried for a few minutes then went back to sleep. After a few minutes he woke up and wanted to go bye-bye!!

This was the recovery room.....with his favorite characters.....Tigger and Pooh!!

After we got home and he had another nap, it was time to play. They told us that he would probably sleep most of the day...not this kid....he was up and at'em until bed time!!

Gage loves pulling Papa's suspenders!

TeLlInG StOrIeS!!

Watching t.v. with Nana....

MeMoRiAl WeEkEnD..
Gage and Skyler racing...

WOW, my baby made it to the top with Papa!!

Em, Ryker, Papa & Gage...

Em & Ryker playing.....

the camp next door just happened to be Cindy and her daughter Fallon, who Gage really took a liking too....

MmMmMmMm!! finally corn on the cob season....

And finally the last day of the Turkey Hunt, Dusty got a turkey.....YaY DaDa!!!!
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