Deer camp was so fun this year, there were so many people. We usually don't go out on this hunt but I am glad we did.

Gage wasn't to sure about this deer

dong what kids do best...GET DIRTY

B-bop and Gage dancing

Bucky, Dusty, & B-bop

We were known as "Christmas camp" this year, some guys that we run into on the mountain asked us if we had seen the "Christmas camp". We just started laughing and said yeah we have seen it, and of course Dust threw in his two cents saying "yeah what a bunch of weirdo's"!!

Hanging with his fave person in the world

Brandon tied Gage up in the chair...he didn't like that to much!!

Jayden got his first deer with his Grandpa!!

Yes thes are Moose!! Not to far from deer camp or our property!

Jayden is so good with Gage!

this is a deer that somebody got and of course everyone in our camp had to stop to talk to him

I think he had a pretty good weekend;)
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