On Christmas Eve we decided to let Gage open one of his presents, that was always a tradition with Dusty's family, so he went to town opening it up and we got him a funt bath set that has letters and numbers that stick to the tub and them some squirt toys, and it all fits into Winnie the Pooh's pot of "Hunny" ans sticks to the tub. Gage has a blast with it every night. anyway Christmas morning Dusty and I woke up about 6:30 and was waiting patiently for Gage, he woke up about 7:00. He was a little onery at first because it was early for him to be up but when we showed him that he could finally open the presents under the tree he was happy. First we opened Aunt Avi's gifts, and he got his fave Curious George monkey and movie. It was so funny when he saw the monkey he said ohhh and gave it a hug. Then we moved on to what "Santa" brought him, (dvd player for jeep, BIG legos) the we moved on to what we got him, (Berenstain Bears movie, sit and spin horse that plugs into the tv to teach him alphabet and songs, etc., a drawing board that glows in the dark, and goodies that was in his stocking). Then Gage went over to the tree and was grabbing everyone elses presents and wanted to unwrap them as well. Then of course Papa came and gave him a toy laptop and some trucks. We went up to uncle Andy's and of course they spoiled him with a four wheeler, well it was actually from Brooklynn, LOL!! After visitng Nana and great grand parents we came back home and just relaxed, it was a great day!! Uncle David, Aunt Toni, and Dax came up the next day and gave Gage a really cool Lego truck which is perfect for all the Legos he got and Gage and Dax had a blast playing for about an hour. Papa Gary and Nana Pat are coming home today and are going to stay for a week so I'm sure they will spoil him again.