It was time for Magcorp's Lagoon Day. We decided to camp with Andy and Lola and her family and it was so much fun! This was also Gage's very first Lagoon experience!

of course they would have to get wet right when we get through the gate

waiting for the first ride with Aunt Lou and Skylar and Loretta and Logan

Gage did so good on all the rides and was not scared at all.

he really takes after his Dad and wanted to go on every ride

he kept laughing and saying "the whale is going to get me"

we ran into his best bud Jordan

I think the boats were a little boring for him he wanted the fast rides

Dust and Andy decided to do the Catapult ride...CrAzY boys! This pic isn't that great I took it off the TV as they were getting ready to launch!

oh I don't know how they dare to do rides like that!

at this point all he wanted was his cotton candy

of course the boys would have to do a shooting game, but Dust did win Gage a cute tiger

train ride

yes Dust is on this ride and he got SOAKED
This was such a fun trip to Lagoon! It was fun to see Gage be so brave on the rides and have a good time.
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