It is time to play catch up with my blog, I can't believe how far behind I am!!

Gage loves playing with his Buzz Lightyear sprinkler he got from Nana is pretty cool!

he is holding a fake little bird and he said "I shot a chicken"

helping Dadda and Papa Erwin fix the "hippo". He was loving it and when I would go outside to check on him he would tell me to go back in the my big boy!

helping Dad mow the lawn

we were down visiting Grandma Harris and Kayley's boyfriend Corbin is Gage's favorite. Well Corbin had markers that turned to chalk when they dried. Corbin was drawing something on his arm and of course Gage had to have something on him as well. My little Care Bear!

Gage has never been a good sleeper, and he gets croup a lot in the winter time, so his Doctor wanted him to have a sleep apnea test to see what was going on. Dusty was the one to take him in that night and stay with him, we told him that they were going camping. Gage did really well while they were hooking all that stuff up to him. They had to be in SLC at 8:45 p.m. and they were able to leave about 6 a.m. When they left Gage said "I thought we were going camping", I felt so bad but I thought it would make it easier to tell him that. We found out a few days later that his breathing is fine and croup is just something he gets, but he did have a lot of involuntary movements that night along with restless leg syndrome. We had his iron tested and sure enough he was very low on that plus his ferratin levels were low which its what helps absorb the iron. So we have him on an iron supplement and vitamin c for two months then we have to check it again. Hopefully this will help my poor little guy (and his Mommy) get some sleep at night.
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